Late schedule of SSC Exam, SSC परीक्षा का नया समय इस दिन को हो रही हैं एग्जाम।


Many students are waiting for this SSC exam schedule, after lockdown new schedule is released , many students are trying to get government job, this is the finest way to get the job

6 terrorists killed in jammu and Kashmir in a joint operation .

6 terrorists are killed in 30 hours in Jammu and Kashmir

 6 terrorists killed in Kashmir
Three militants were killed in an encounter in South Kashmir's Shopian district on Saturday morning, an official said, adding that since the second such operation in the last 24 hours, Indian troops were killed on June 21,2020 in Srinagar, Kashmir's Zunimar Left from the encounter site in the area.
A day after the three Jaish-e-Mohammed (JM) militants were killed in Kulgam, security forces acted on a notice of the presence of militants in the village of Esmipora and launched an operation, officials said. Militants retaliated and opened fire on the forces.
An official said the operation was carried out jointly by the army, police and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF). "As the search-and-cordon operations continued, it turned into an encounter ... Three unidentified militants were killed. An army spokesman said the militants were evicted from a house cottage in a garden.
Authorities said they are trying to identify the terrorists and DNA samples have already been collected. Three JM militants, including a Pakistani commander known as Walid, were killed in Kulgam district on Friday. Police said Waleed, believed to be an IED expert, was active in the area for the past 18 months. In the last three months, due to Kovid-19, the bodies of terrorists, including locals, who were killed in gun battles, were not handed over to their family members. He is buried in Baramulla, Kupwara and Ganderbal in the presence of family members.
Security forces have taken aggressive steps against militants in the Kashmir Valley. In June, forces killed 48 terrorists in various encounters; Most of them are in South Kashmir. Since January, 136 militants have been killed in various encounters in Kashmir. The J&K police neutralized 162 terrorists in 2019.
Among the major successes of the security forces this year is the assassination of Riyaz Naiku, the top commander of the local group Hizbul Mujahideen, in an operation in Begpora in May. Top police officials say fresh recruitment by terrorists has declined in the first six months of the year.
India opposes civilian death
India on Saturday called for a response from the Pakistan High Commission in-charge to register a strong protest over the death of three civilians in the firing by Pakistani troops on the LoC.
Pakistani in-charge Duffaires was told that an ineffective ceasefire violation by Pakistani forces in the Krishnaghati sector in Jammu and Kashmir on Friday night killed three civilians including a child and injured another child. The deceased belonged to the same family.

"India strongly condemns the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians by Pakistani forces," the statement said. It called on Pakistan to abide by the 2003 ceasefire to maintain peace and tranquility on the LoC.

Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next

Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next.

Confidence speculation in Rajasthan after the visit to the palace of Galhout
Ashok Gehlot
Ashok Gahlaut is preparing for the vote of confidence in the assembly. 
Chief Minister Ashok Gahlaut met Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra amid intense political pressure over allegations of MLA trafficking. According to a Congress source, the chief minister sent a message to the governor on Saturday evening to table a no-confidence motion in the assembly next week. He also handed over letters signed by legislators supporting the governor. A special session of the Legislative Assembly may be called on Wednesday. However, a statement issued from Raj Bhavan on Sunday said that during the 45-minute meeting, the chief minister briefed the governor on various government measures to deal with the Corona epidemic.

Gahlaut Shibir is confident of proving its majority with the support of two MLAs from the Indian Tribal Party. Despite the political turmoil in the desert over the past week, the main opposition BJP has not yet demanded a vote of confidence. The number of seats in Rajasthan Assembly is 200. Of these, Gahlaut now has at least 102, including six Congress MLAs. Chief Minister Shibir claims that 109 MLAs are supporting the government. On the other hand, there are 65 MLAs in the BJP camp and 18 in the rebel Sachin Pilot camp. However, the Congress is hopeful that some members of the Sachin camp will be brought back into the mainstream before the vote of confidence.

Tendulkar and his fellow legislators were still staying at the Manesar resort in Haryana. According to sources in the rebel camp, they may return to Jaipur after announcing the schedule of the vote of confidence. Gulabchand Katheria, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, said on Sunday, "Political instability has been created as a result of infighting within the Congress. The BJP has no role in this. We have not even demanded a vote of confidence. ”Former BJP chief minister Bashundhara Raje is still adamant against a deal with Sachin Shibir, party sources said.

Advertisement Anandabazar prathama pātā i-pēpāra dēśa bijñāna khēlā binōdana phōṭō pātrapātrī 3 śrābaṇa 1427, rabibāra 19 julā'i 2020 LOGIN Anandabazar national Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next week dgtl galahautēra rājabhabana yātrāra para āsthābhōṭa jalpanā rājasthānē Ashok Gehlot bidhānasabhāẏa āsthābhōṭēra prastuti aśōka gahalautēra. Chabi ṭu'iṭāra thēkē nē'ōẏā. Sambāda sansthā jaẏapura 19 julā'i, 2020, 16:58:54 Śēṣa āpaḍēṭa: 19 Julā'i, 2020, 17:09:52 Bidhāẏaka kēnābēcāra abhiyōga ghirē prabala rājanaitika cāpāna'utōrēra madhyē'i rājasthānēra rājyapāla kalarāja miśrēra saṅgē dēkhā karalēna mukhyamantrī aśōka gahalauta. Kaṅgrēsēra ēkaṭi sūtra jānācchē,āgāmī saptāhē bidhānasabhāẏa āsthāprastāba pēśa karāra jan'ya mukhyamantrī śanibāra sandhyāra rājyapālakē bārtā diẏēchēna. Rājyapālakē samarthanakārī bidhāẏakadēra sa'i karā ciṭhi'ō diẏēchēna tini. Budhabāra bidhānasabhāra biśēṣa adhibēśana ḍākā hatē pārē. Tabē, rabibāra rājabhabana thēkē jāri karā haẏē ēkaṭi bibr̥titē balā haẏēchē, 45 miniṭēra baiṭhakē mukhyamantrī rājyapālakē karōnā atimāri mōkābilāẏa bibhinna sarakāri padakṣēpa samparkē abahita karēchēna. Bhāratīẏa ṭrā'ibāla pārṭira du'i bidhāẏakēra samarthana pā'ōẏāẏa saṅkhyāgariṣṭhatā pramāṇēra biṣaẏē ātmabiśbāsī gahalauta śibira. Yadi'ō gata ēka saptāha dharē marurājyē rājanaitika asthiratā calalē'ō tāṯparyapūrṇa bhābē pradhāna birōdhī dala bijēpira taraphē ēkhana'ō āsthābhōṭēra dābi tōlā haẏani. Rājasthāna bidhānasabhāra āsana saṅkhyā 200. Ēra madhyē ēkhana gahalautēra pakṣē raẏēchē 86 kaṅgrēsa bidhāẏaka-saha antata 102 jana. Mukhyamantrī śibirēra dābi, 109 jana bidhāẏaka sarakārakē samarthana karachēna. An'yadikē, bijēpi śibirē 75 ēbaṁ bidrōhī sacina pā'ilaṭēra śibirē 18 jana bidhāẏaka raẏēchēna. Tabē kaṅgrēsa āśābādī, āsthābhōṭēra āgē sacina śibirēra kaẏēkajanakē dalēra mūla srōtē phiriẏē ānā yābē. Sacina ēbaṁ tām̐ra anugāmī bidhāẏakērā ēdina'ō hariẏānāra mānēsarēra risarṭē chilēna. Bidrōhī śibira sūtrē pā'ōẏā khabara, āsthābhōṭēra nirghaṇṭa ghōṣaṇāra parē tām̐rā jaẏapurē phiratē pārēna. Bidhānasabhāra birōdhī dalanētā gulābacanda kaṭhēriẏā rabibāra balēna, ‘‘kaṅgrēsēra antardbandbēra phalē'i rājanaitika asthiratā tairi haẏēchē. Ētē bijēpira kōna'ō bhūmikā nē'i. Āmarā āsthābhōṭēra dābi'ō tulini.’’ Prāktana bijēpi mukhyamantrī basundharā rājē ēkhana'ō sacina śibirēra saṅgē samajhōtāra birud'dhē anaṛa raẏēchēna balē dalīẏa sūtrēra khabara. Āra'ō paṛuna: Bhārata-cina birōdhēra gōṛāẏa tibbata, tāra parē jala gaṛiẏēchē nānā dikē Advertisement Powered By PLAYSTREAM ēra'i madhyē aḍiẏō ṭēpa phām̐sēra jērē kaṅgrēsēra tōlā bidhāẏaka kōnābēcāra abhiyōga ēbaṁ bijēpi śibirēra pālṭā āṛipātāra abhiyōga ghirē'ō uttējanāra pārada caṛachē marurājyē. Bē'ā'ini bhābē phōnē āṛipātāra abhiyōgē kēndrīẏa sbarāṣṭramantraka itimadhyē'i rājasthāna sarakārakē nōṭisa pāṭhiẏēchē. Mukhyasaciba sē'i nōṭisēra jabāba dēbēna balē rājya sarakāra sūtrē jānā giẏēchē. Phām̐sa ha'ōẏā du’ṭi aḍiẏō ṭēpē śōnā yācchē, bidrōhī kaṅgrēsa bidhāẏaka bhām̐ōẏāralāla śarmākē rājasthānē sarakāra phēlē dē'ōẏāra jan'ya ṭākāra prastāba dē'ōẏā hacchē. Kaṅgrēsēra abhiyōga, yām̐rā prastāba dicchēna tām̐dēra madhyē ēkaṭi galā kēndrīẏa jalaśakti mantrī gajēndra sinha śēkhā'ōẏātēra. Āra'ō paṛuna: Niẏama mēnē ki phōnē āṛi pātā? Bijēpira dābi sibi'ā'i, pālṭā siṭa gaṭhana gahalautēra​ bidhāẏaka kēnābēcāra abhiyōgēra tadantēra dāẏitbaprāpta ‘siṭa’ gajēndrara birud'dhē ēpha'ā'i'āra dāẏēra karēchē. Grēptāra karā haẏēchē bijēpi ghaniṣṭha byabasāẏī sañjaẏa jaina-saha tinajanakē. Kaṅgrēsa nētā ajaẏa mākēna ēdina kēndrīẏa mantrisabhā thēkē gajēndrakē barakhāsta karāra dābi tōlēna. Sacina ēbaṁ tām̐ra anugāmī bidhāẏakadēra sadasyapada khārija saṅkrānta māmalā rājasthāna hā'ikōrṭē bicārādhīna. Kaṅgrēsa āśābādī, māmalāra rāẏa gahalautēra pakṣē'i yābē.

First page
3 Shravan 1428, Sunday
July 19, 2020
Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next week dgtl
Confidence speculation in Rajasthan after the visit to the palace of Galhout
Ashok Gehlot
Ashok Gahlaut is preparing for the vote of confidence in the assembly. Photo taken from Twitter.
News agency
July 19, 2020, 18:56:54
Last Updated: July 19, 2020, 18:09:52
Chief Minister Ashok Gahlaut met Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra amid intense political pressure over allegations of MLA trafficking. According to a Congress source, the chief minister sent a message to the governor on Saturday evening to table a no-confidence motion in the assembly next week. He also handed over letters signed by legislators supporting the governor. A special session of the Legislative Assembly may be called on Wednesday. However, a statement issued from Raj Bhavan on Sunday said that during the 45-minute meeting, the chief minister briefed the governor on various government measures to deal with the Corona epidemic.

Gahlaut Shibir is confident of proving its majority with the support of two MLAs from the Indian Tribal Party. Despite the political turmoil in the desert over the past week, the main opposition BJP has not yet demanded a vote of confidence. The number of seats in Rajasthan Assembly is 200. Of these, Gahlaut now has at least 102, including six Congress MLAs. Chief Minister Shibir claims that 109 MLAs are supporting the government. On the other hand, there are 65 MLAs in the BJP camp and 18 in the rebel Sachin Pilot camp. However, the Congress is hopeful that some members of the Sachin camp will be brought back into the mainstream before the vote of confidence.

Tendulkar and his fellow legislators were still at the Manesar resort in Haryana. According to sources in the rebel camp, they may return to Jaipur after announcing the schedule of the vote of confidence. Gulabchand Katheria, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, said on Sunday, "Political instability has been created as a result of infighting within the Congress. The BJP has no role in this. We have not even demanded a vote of confidence. ”Former BJP chief minister Bashundhara Raje is still adamant against a deal with Sachin Shibir, party sources said.

Read more: Tibet at the beginning of the Indo-China dispute, then the tide has turned


In the meantime, tensions are running high in the desert despite allegations of Congress MLA Konabechar leaking audio leaks and counter-eavesdropping allegations by the BJP camp. The Union Home Ministry has already sent a notice to the Rajasthan government alleging illegal eavesdropping. State government sources said the chief secretary would respond to the notice. According to two leaked audio tapes, rebel Congress MLA Bhanwarlal Sharma is being offered money to oust the government in Rajasthan. The Congress alleges that one of the proponents is Union Water Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. The MLA has lodged an FIR against Gajendra, who is in charge of investigating the allegations. Three people, including BJP close associate Sanjay Jain, have been arrested. Congress leader Ajay Maken today demanded the removal of Gajendra from the Union Cabinet. The Rajasthan High Court is hearing a case against Sachin and his successors for dismissing their membership. Congress is hopeful that the verdict in the case will go in favor of Gahlaut.

In Rajsthan politics crisis, congress convicted BJP

Congress attacked on BJP on phone tapping matter. 

Late on Saturday evening, PTI reported that the Union Home Ministry had sent a communication to the Chief Secretary of Rajasthan, seeking a report on the allegations of phone tapping.
The BJP said that such "exploitation" was not allowed by the authorities concerned. "The Home and Chief Secretaries have refused permission ... Is it not a violation of our civil rights to tap phones without authorization?" The party said.
The Congress said the BJP's remarks amounted to an "admission of crime" in the "killing of democracy" in the state, and the party was only concerned about "why we were recorded and the recording was valid".
The Ashok Gehlot government on Saturday secured the support of two Bharatiya Tribal Party (BTP) MLAs in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly, withdrawing the number of MLAs to 103 in the 200 house (excluding 19 rebels). The government claimed at least 109 are with it. Earlier, the BTP had asked both of them to back down from either side in terms of test votes.
The Congress on Friday demanded the arrest of two audio tapes citing Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and rebel Congress MLA Bhanwarlal Sharma for conspiring to arrest the Ashok Gehlot government. The Rajasthan Police's Special Operations Group (SOG) has registered criminal cases in the case.
The BJP has described the audio clip as "manufactured", and Shekhawat has said that the voice in the clip was not his.
Demanding a CBI probe into the phone's "unconstitutional" as well as "unconstitutional" tapping by the Rajasthan government, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra said on Saturday that senior Congress leaders including Gehlot were calling the audio clip authentic. However, the police-registered FIR does not say so.
"These are serious questions we want to ask the Congress high command and Ashok Gehlot. Was the phone tapping done? Suppose you tapped the phone, was the SOP complied? Did the Congress government in Rajasthan call themselves Have used unconstitutional methods to save? ”Patra asked at a press conference.
He said that people's phones were being tapped in politics. "Isn't it a case of emergency in Rajasthan?"
Patra accused the Congress of having a history of "phone tapping and bugging", a line mentioned in the previous UPA government.
He also called the political crisis in Rajasthan the result of a quarrel between Gehlot and rebel Congress leader Sachin Pilot. Patra said, "Political drama ... is a cocktail of intrigues, fabricated stories, fabricated lies and illegality ... sin was theirs."
Former Rajasthan CM Vasundhara Raje, whose absence from Jaipur and the silence on the entire case has been commented, said it was wrong to blame the BJP for this. Stating that "people are paying for discord in the Congress", Raje said, "There is no point in dragging the names of BJP and its leaders through the mud."
BJP's ally Nagaur MP Hanuman Beniwal alleged that Vasundhara ji is trying to save the Gehlot government, in a tweet, she said, 'I have been serving the public as a loyal worker of the party for the last three decades And stand with the party and its ideology. "
Gehlot wanted to oust the government, on which senior BJP leader. C. Kataria said in Jaipur, "We do not want a floor test. But, if Ashok Gehlotji feels he has a majority, he should prove it in the assembly."
The Congress said the demand for a CBI probe was due to the BJP's questionable role in the case. "We all witnessed the murder of democracy last week, which is the murder of democracy being done by BJP ... BJP has now accepted its role ... Their only complaint was that while we were killing, So why were we being recorded, and if we were being recorded, was it legal, ”Congress spokesperson Pawan Khera said in Delhi.
Khera said the SOG team, which went to a hotel in Manesar, Haryana, was intercepted by the Haryana Police residing there as part of an investigation of audio tapes to collect voice samples of rebel ministers and MLAs. Role of BJP. He said the legislators were allowed to "quietly and secretly ... run through the back door of the hotel".
Addressing the media in Jaipur, Rajasthan Congress President Govind Singh Dastara said: “Will Sachin Pilot ji and his fellow Congress MLAs tell us why they do not trust the police of their state? How do they trust the BJP government's police in Haryana? "
The party said it had heard that efforts were being made to move the MLAs to another BJP-ruled state of Karnataka.

All the tests of the corona vaccine were successful!

All vaccine tests have been successful.

 Russia's Sechenov University claims that the production of the coronavirus vaccine has been completed. If this claim is true, it will be the first vaccine against the corona vaccine. While many countries, including India and the United States, are experimenting with the corona vaccine, Russia has stepped up its efforts to produce the vaccine.
Vadim Tarasov, director of the Institute for Medicine and Biotechnology at the Institute for Translations, said the test was launched on June 18 by the Russian Gomli Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. "The Sechenov University's first corona vaccine was given to the world," Tarasov said. It has been successfully tested.
The purpose of this study was to successfully prepare a vaccine for cowboy 18 to protect human health. The vaccine was developed with a focus on safety. It will be available in the market soon, said Lukashev, a university researcher.
"The University of Sechenov has done a great job not only as an educational institution, but also as a center for scientific and technical research," Tarasov said. The second phase of the test was conducted on 20 members of a voluntary organization. All of them will be discharged on July 20.

One thousand corona patient have to face daily in Cuttack

One thousand corona patient  have to face  daily in Cuttack, remaining to Test many coronas are affected in  district.

Bhubaneswar: The total number of cases affected in the state today has risen to 13,121 due to the identification of 585 corona positives in the state. This was reported by the State Department of Information and Public Relations. Today, 21 cases have been reported in 21 districts.
Now let's find out how many districts are affected. Currently, the number of infected people in Ganjam district is 38, with 1,304 in Khordha, 4 in Cuttack, 713 in Gajapati, 4 in Jajpur, 518 in Baleshwar, 34 in Jagatsinghpur district, 373 in Puri, 26 in Kendrapara, 24 in Bhadrak district, 273 in Bhadrak district, 271 in Sundargarh, 271 in 291 and 291 in Balangir. 275 in Kendujhar, 7 in Nuapada, 145 in Jharsuguda, 45 in Dhenkanal, 43 in Kalahandi, 181 in Bargarh district, 133 in Anugul, 180 in Malkangiri, 113 in Sambalpur, 113 in Sambalpur, 8 in Deogarh, 53 in Boudh and 13 in Nabarang district, 7 in Rayagada district, 9 in Korapur district.
At present, a total of 7,380 people have recovered and returned home in the state, while the number of active corona infections is 7. The number of coronary deaths in the state has risen to seven. Similarly, 20 corona victims have been reported dead in other states. This was reported by the Department of Health and Family Welfare

Amitabh bachchan and Abhishek found corona positive

#Amitabh and Abhishek #bachchan are corona positive.

Amitabh corona positive

A big news from bollywood that amitabh bachchan found corona positive. Amitabh himself inform about this on Twitter. He said that he he found corona positive. He said he went for medical checkup just feel some symptoms of COVID-19 and he was positive. This is on initial stage . Now he is in Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai. Many fans of all over world send him massage for good health. There are so many wishes from bollywood and sports celebrities. Hope he get well soon.

Abhishek too is Corona positive.

After some hours we have some news about Abhishek Bachchan is corona positive and admitted in Nanavati hospital Mumbai. Aishwarya and j Other family members results may come soon. 

Government job in July, सरकारी नौकरी जुलाई में आने वाली बम्पर भर्ती।

Government job in July, सरकारी नौकरी जुलाई में आने वाली बम्पर भर्ती। {part 2}

3. (Vacancy No.20030603228) Three vacancies for the post of Scientist ‘C’ (Senior 

Hydrologist), Central Ground Water Board, Department of Water Resources, River 
Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti (OBC-01, UR-02).
The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Level-11 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. 
General Central Service, Group ‘A’ Gazetted, Non-Ministerial, Scientific and Technical. 
Age: 40 years. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Master’s degree 
in Geology or Hydrology or degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or 
equivalent. The equivalent word is defined as :- (a). M. Tech. (Water Resources 
Development / Irrigation Water Management/Irrigation and Drainage Engineering/ 
Hydraulics Engineering/Soil and Water Conservation Engineering/Geo-Exploration). (b).
Bachelor of Technology Civil (Water Resources Engineering) – (BTWRE). (B) 
EXPERIENCE: Five year’s practical experience in Hydrology preferably in Ground 
Water Hydrology. NOTE-: The qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union 
Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates 
otherwise well qualified. DESIRABLE: Experience in different methods employed in the 
Ground Water exploration. DUTIES: Preparation of manuals and other guidelines 
regarding hydrological studies. Supervise the work in the Hydrological and 
Hydrometeorological section. Collection of Hydrological data and preparation of Basic 
Data reports. Computerization of data in Data Bank, assisting in preparation of maps 
and reports. Compilation of technical reports and arranging for issuance of reports. Data 
collection and processing for specific studies. Maintenance and updating of technical record and data in Technical Section. HQ: Central Ground Water Board, Central Head 
Quarter, Faridabad (Haryana) with All India Service liabilities. 

4. (Vacancy No.20030604428) One vacancy for the post of Research Officer, 

Ministry of Tribal Affairs (UR-01). The post is suitable for Physically Challenged 
person viz. Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy/ Leprosy Cured/ Dwarfism/ 
Acid Attack Victims/ Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. One leg affected (R or L) 
(OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA). The post is permanent. Pay Scale: Level-10 
in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. General Central Service, Group ‘A’ Gazetted, Non-
Master’s Degree in Sociology or Mathematics or Social work or Anthropology or 
Economics or Statistics or Geography from a recognized University or Institute. (B) 
EXPERIENCE: Three years’ experience, out of which two years should be in Research 
or Training or Planning in the field of Economic Development or Social Services or 
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes or in implementation of social sectoral programmes or 
Tribal Development Programmes and one year should be in statistical data collection 
and analysis. NOTE-: The qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union 
Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates 
otherwise well qualified. DESIRABLE: One year’s experience of writing or editing 
articles on matters related to Tribal Development, Tribal Welfare, Customary Tribal 
Laws, etc. in leading National Dailies or Journals as evidenced through copies of 
published work. DUTIES: Matters relating to tribal research, award of research 
fellowships, coordination of the activities of Tribal Research Institutes in States and 
processing of proposals of financial assistance to the Institutes thereof, collection, 
compilation and Interpretation of Statistics on various aspects in tribal development, 
Reports of the National Commission for STs., matters relating to Vth & VIth Schedule of 
the Constitution, Identification of Scheduled Areas, Tribal Sub-Plan areas etc. HQ: New 

5. (Vacancy No.20030605228) One vacancy for the post of Assistant Secretary 

(Law), Secretariat Establishment, Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Administration 
(UR-01). The post is suitable for Physically Challenged person viz. Blindness and Low 
Vision /Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy/ Leprosy Cured/ Dwarfism/ Acid 
Attack Victims/ Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Low Vision (LV) or Both legs 
affected but not arms (BL) or One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R 
or L) (OA) or One leg and One arm affected (OLA) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) or 
Leprosy Cured (LC) or Dwarfism (DW) or Acid Attack Victims (AAV). The post is 
permanent. Pay Scale: Level-7 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. General Central 
Service, Group ‘B’ (Gazetted), Ministerial. Age: 30 years. ESSENTIAL 
QUALIFICATIONS: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Degree in Law from a recognized University
.(B) EXPERIENCE: Three years’ experience of Legal Work in Government Department
including experience as a Legal Practitioner as an Advocate, if any. NOTE-: The
qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for 
reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
DUTIES: (i) Dealing with all legal matters under A& N Administration related to District 
Courts, CAT, High Courts and Supreme Court. (ii) Preparation of five years and annual 
plan etc., renewal of temporary post under the establishment of Legal section, 
secretariat, A&N Administration. HQ: Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. 
a) Candidates are requested to apply only Online against this advertisement on the 
Online Recruitment Application (ORA) website and NOT 
write to the Commission for Application forms. They are also requested to go through 
carefully the details of posts and instructions published below as well as on the 
30.07.2020. However the eligibility criteria i.e. Age, Experience etc. 
will be counted as on 16.04.2020 as these vacancies were originally 
scheduled to be launched along with vacancy details on 28.03.2020 
with the closing date 16.04.2020. 

July government job, जुलाई में आने वाली सरकारी नौकरी भर्ती।

Government job in July, सरकारी नौकरी जुलाई में आने वाली बम्पर भर्ती।

जो लोग सरकारी नौकरी की तैयारी कर रहे है उन्हें ये जरूर देखना चाहिए। 





(*: by using the website 


1. (Vacancy No.20030601428) Three vacancies for the post of Assistant Library 

and Information Officer (General), National Library, Kolkata, Ministry of Culture 

(UR-03). Of the three vacancies, one vacancy is reserved for Physically Challenged 

person viz. Deaf and Hard of Hearing with disability i.e. Deaf (D) or Hard of Hearing 

(HH). The posts are also suitable for Physically Challenged person viz. Deaf and Hard 

of Hearing /Locomotor Disability including Cerebral Palsy/ Leprosy Cured/ Dwarfism/ 

Acid Attack Victims/ Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Deaf (D) or Hard of Hearing 

(HH) or Both legs affected but not arms (BL) or One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One 

arm affected (R or L) (OA) or Muscular Dystrophy (MDy) or One leg and One Arm 

Affected (OLA) or Cerebral Palsy (CP) or Leprosy Cured (LC) or Dwarfism (DW) or 

Acid Attack Victims (AAV). The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Level-7 in the Pay 

Matrix as per 7th CPC. General Central Service, Group ‘B’ Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. 


Degree from a recognized University or equivalent; (ii) Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent 

in Library Science of a recognized University/Institute or equivalent. (B) EXPERIENCE:

Two years’ experience in a recognized Library or two years’ experience in 

computerization of a recognized library or Post Graduate Diploma in Computer 

Application from a recognized institute or equivalent. NOTE- : The qualifications are 

relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for reasons to be 

recorded in writing, in case of candidates otherwise well qualified. DESIRABLE:

Master’s Degree in Library Science of a recognized University / Institute or equivalent. 

DUTIES: ALIO executes all the activities of the professional and technical divisions 

concerned; supervises technical work and submits plans and proposal for development 

of their units; maintains day-to-day administration of the unit (s). HQ: National Library, 

Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal. 

2. (Vacancy No.20030602228) One vacancy for the post of Scientist ‘B’ (Computer 

Science/ Information Technology), Central Soil and Materials Research Station, 

New Delhi, Department of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga 

Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti (ST-01). The post is suitable for Physically 

Challenged person viz. Blindness and Low Vision /Deaf and Hard of Hearing/Locomotor 

Disability including Cerebral Palsy/ Leprosy Cured/ Dwarfism/ Acid Attack Victims/ 

Muscular Dystrophy with disability i.e. Low Vision (LV) or Hard of Hearing (HH) or One leg affected (R or L) (OL) or One arm affected (R or L) (OA). The post is permanent. 

Pay Scale: Level-10 in the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC. General Central Service, Group 

‘A’ Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. Age: 40* years. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATIONS: 

EDUCATIONAL: (i) Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering from a recognized 

University or Institute or (ii) Master’s Degree in Computer Science/ Information 

Technology from a recognized University or Institute. (B) EXPERIENCE: (i) Possessing 

three year’s experience in the field of Computer Engineering or (ii) Possessing three 

year’s experience in the field of Computer Science/Information Technology. NOTE-I: 

The qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service 

Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates otherwise well 

qualified. NOTE-II: The qualification(s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the 

discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing 

in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes if, at 

any stage of selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that 

sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite 

experience are not likely to be available to fill up the vacancies reserved for them. 

DUTIES: Work related to maintenance of all electronic equipments, hardware, software, 

intra-organization connectivity, power back-up, system back-up, update data recording 

of CSMRS’ manual, service record, communication with service provider, all other work 

as per the GOI mandate related to digitization along with cyber security. HQ: Central 

Soil and Materials Research Station, New Delhi with All India Service liability.

possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview.

कुख्यात अपराधी विकास दूबे पुलिस मुठभेड़ में मारा गया। #Vikas Dubey is killed when trying to escape.

Vikas Dubey shot dead, trying to escape from Custody.

विकास दुबे vikas dubey

A very shocking breaking news from this morning that Vikas Dubey has been killed in police encounter, he was trying to escape from police custody. STF was bringing a train to Kanpur. The car overturned. He tried to escape by snatching his weapon. After which the police killed him in an encounter. He was arrested from Ujjain when he was in Mahakal temple. He him.self said that "I am vikas Dubey from Kanpur". He was nabbed by a security incharge of Mahakal temple.
It is said that there are 2 advocates are involved to help vikas Dubey. He was traveling from kanpur to Madhya Pradesh then Faridabad after that Ujjain but no one can recognized.
Vikas Dubey

Who was Vikas Dubey? कौन था अपराधी विकास दुबे?

He was a history-sheeter, gangster-turned-politician, based in Kanpur Dehat district in the  of Uttar Pradesh.He was convicted of more than 60 cases charged as kidnapping , extortion, murder. He was also involved in merciless killing of 8 police man, while police trying to nab him. There are many police officers are injured also.

Vikas introduced the Bullet Gang by patronizing local leaders in the early 90s. At the same time, he spread his fear in Choubepur, Shivli and Bilhaur by committing petty offenses on youngsters who were seen carrying bullets on a bike. 
It has been revealed in the investigation of the police that he used to earn a hefty amount even in the name of getting his contractors and vacating the properties.

Dil se bura lagta hai fame youtuber Devraj dead in an accident.

 Youtuber Devraj Patel is no more among us. This sad news is comes from many social media platforms. After an accident with a truck he was b...