Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next

Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next.

Confidence speculation in Rajasthan after the visit to the palace of Galhout
Ashok Gehlot
Ashok Gahlaut is preparing for the vote of confidence in the assembly. 
Chief Minister Ashok Gahlaut met Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra amid intense political pressure over allegations of MLA trafficking. According to a Congress source, the chief minister sent a message to the governor on Saturday evening to table a no-confidence motion in the assembly next week. He also handed over letters signed by legislators supporting the governor. A special session of the Legislative Assembly may be called on Wednesday. However, a statement issued from Raj Bhavan on Sunday said that during the 45-minute meeting, the chief minister briefed the governor on various government measures to deal with the Corona epidemic.

Gahlaut Shibir is confident of proving its majority with the support of two MLAs from the Indian Tribal Party. Despite the political turmoil in the desert over the past week, the main opposition BJP has not yet demanded a vote of confidence. The number of seats in Rajasthan Assembly is 200. Of these, Gahlaut now has at least 102, including six Congress MLAs. Chief Minister Shibir claims that 109 MLAs are supporting the government. On the other hand, there are 65 MLAs in the BJP camp and 18 in the rebel Sachin Pilot camp. However, the Congress is hopeful that some members of the Sachin camp will be brought back into the mainstream before the vote of confidence.

Tendulkar and his fellow legislators were still staying at the Manesar resort in Haryana. According to sources in the rebel camp, they may return to Jaipur after announcing the schedule of the vote of confidence. Gulabchand Katheria, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, said on Sunday, "Political instability has been created as a result of infighting within the Congress. The BJP has no role in this. We have not even demanded a vote of confidence. ”Former BJP chief minister Bashundhara Raje is still adamant against a deal with Sachin Shibir, party sources said.

Advertisement Anandabazar prathama pātā i-pēpāra dēśa bijñāna khēlā binōdana phōṭō pātrapātrī 3 śrābaṇa 1427, rabibāra 19 julā'i 2020 LOGIN Anandabazar national Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next week dgtl galahautēra rājabhabana yātrāra para āsthābhōṭa jalpanā rājasthānē Ashok Gehlot bidhānasabhāẏa āsthābhōṭēra prastuti aśōka gahalautēra. Chabi ṭu'iṭāra thēkē nē'ōẏā. Sambāda sansthā jaẏapura 19 julā'i, 2020, 16:58:54 Śēṣa āpaḍēṭa: 19 Julā'i, 2020, 17:09:52 Bidhāẏaka kēnābēcāra abhiyōga ghirē prabala rājanaitika cāpāna'utōrēra madhyē'i rājasthānēra rājyapāla kalarāja miśrēra saṅgē dēkhā karalēna mukhyamantrī aśōka gahalauta. Kaṅgrēsēra ēkaṭi sūtra jānācchē,āgāmī saptāhē bidhānasabhāẏa āsthāprastāba pēśa karāra jan'ya mukhyamantrī śanibāra sandhyāra rājyapālakē bārtā diẏēchēna. Rājyapālakē samarthanakārī bidhāẏakadēra sa'i karā ciṭhi'ō diẏēchēna tini. Budhabāra bidhānasabhāra biśēṣa adhibēśana ḍākā hatē pārē. Tabē, rabibāra rājabhabana thēkē jāri karā haẏē ēkaṭi bibr̥titē balā haẏēchē, 45 miniṭēra baiṭhakē mukhyamantrī rājyapālakē karōnā atimāri mōkābilāẏa bibhinna sarakāri padakṣēpa samparkē abahita karēchēna. Bhāratīẏa ṭrā'ibāla pārṭira du'i bidhāẏakēra samarthana pā'ōẏāẏa saṅkhyāgariṣṭhatā pramāṇēra biṣaẏē ātmabiśbāsī gahalauta śibira. Yadi'ō gata ēka saptāha dharē marurājyē rājanaitika asthiratā calalē'ō tāṯparyapūrṇa bhābē pradhāna birōdhī dala bijēpira taraphē ēkhana'ō āsthābhōṭēra dābi tōlā haẏani. Rājasthāna bidhānasabhāra āsana saṅkhyā 200. Ēra madhyē ēkhana gahalautēra pakṣē raẏēchē 86 kaṅgrēsa bidhāẏaka-saha antata 102 jana. Mukhyamantrī śibirēra dābi, 109 jana bidhāẏaka sarakārakē samarthana karachēna. An'yadikē, bijēpi śibirē 75 ēbaṁ bidrōhī sacina pā'ilaṭēra śibirē 18 jana bidhāẏaka raẏēchēna. Tabē kaṅgrēsa āśābādī, āsthābhōṭēra āgē sacina śibirēra kaẏēkajanakē dalēra mūla srōtē phiriẏē ānā yābē. Sacina ēbaṁ tām̐ra anugāmī bidhāẏakērā ēdina'ō hariẏānāra mānēsarēra risarṭē chilēna. Bidrōhī śibira sūtrē pā'ōẏā khabara, āsthābhōṭēra nirghaṇṭa ghōṣaṇāra parē tām̐rā jaẏapurē phiratē pārēna. Bidhānasabhāra birōdhī dalanētā gulābacanda kaṭhēriẏā rabibāra balēna, ‘‘kaṅgrēsēra antardbandbēra phalē'i rājanaitika asthiratā tairi haẏēchē. Ētē bijēpira kōna'ō bhūmikā nē'i. Āmarā āsthābhōṭēra dābi'ō tulini.’’ Prāktana bijēpi mukhyamantrī basundharā rājē ēkhana'ō sacina śibirēra saṅgē samajhōtāra birud'dhē anaṛa raẏēchēna balē dalīẏa sūtrēra khabara. Āra'ō paṛuna: Bhārata-cina birōdhēra gōṛāẏa tibbata, tāra parē jala gaṛiẏēchē nānā dikē Advertisement Powered By PLAYSTREAM ēra'i madhyē aḍiẏō ṭēpa phām̐sēra jērē kaṅgrēsēra tōlā bidhāẏaka kōnābēcāra abhiyōga ēbaṁ bijēpi śibirēra pālṭā āṛipātāra abhiyōga ghirē'ō uttējanāra pārada caṛachē marurājyē. Bē'ā'ini bhābē phōnē āṛipātāra abhiyōgē kēndrīẏa sbarāṣṭramantraka itimadhyē'i rājasthāna sarakārakē nōṭisa pāṭhiẏēchē. Mukhyasaciba sē'i nōṭisēra jabāba dēbēna balē rājya sarakāra sūtrē jānā giẏēchē. Phām̐sa ha'ōẏā du’ṭi aḍiẏō ṭēpē śōnā yācchē, bidrōhī kaṅgrēsa bidhāẏaka bhām̐ōẏāralāla śarmākē rājasthānē sarakāra phēlē dē'ōẏāra jan'ya ṭākāra prastāba dē'ōẏā hacchē. Kaṅgrēsēra abhiyōga, yām̐rā prastāba dicchēna tām̐dēra madhyē ēkaṭi galā kēndrīẏa jalaśakti mantrī gajēndra sinha śēkhā'ōẏātēra. Āra'ō paṛuna: Niẏama mēnē ki phōnē āṛi pātā? Bijēpira dābi sibi'ā'i, pālṭā siṭa gaṭhana gahalautēra​ bidhāẏaka kēnābēcāra abhiyōgēra tadantēra dāẏitbaprāpta ‘siṭa’ gajēndrara birud'dhē ēpha'ā'i'āra dāẏēra karēchē. Grēptāra karā haẏēchē bijēpi ghaniṣṭha byabasāẏī sañjaẏa jaina-saha tinajanakē. Kaṅgrēsa nētā ajaẏa mākēna ēdina kēndrīẏa mantrisabhā thēkē gajēndrakē barakhāsta karāra dābi tōlēna. Sacina ēbaṁ tām̐ra anugāmī bidhāẏakadēra sadasyapada khārija saṅkrānta māmalā rājasthāna hā'ikōrṭē bicārādhīna. Kaṅgrēsa āśābādī, māmalāra rāẏa gahalautēra pakṣē'i yābē.

First page
3 Shravan 1428, Sunday
July 19, 2020
Ashok Gehlot likely to call Assembly Session next week dgtl
Confidence speculation in Rajasthan after the visit to the palace of Galhout
Ashok Gehlot
Ashok Gahlaut is preparing for the vote of confidence in the assembly. Photo taken from Twitter.
News agency
July 19, 2020, 18:56:54
Last Updated: July 19, 2020, 18:09:52
Chief Minister Ashok Gahlaut met Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra amid intense political pressure over allegations of MLA trafficking. According to a Congress source, the chief minister sent a message to the governor on Saturday evening to table a no-confidence motion in the assembly next week. He also handed over letters signed by legislators supporting the governor. A special session of the Legislative Assembly may be called on Wednesday. However, a statement issued from Raj Bhavan on Sunday said that during the 45-minute meeting, the chief minister briefed the governor on various government measures to deal with the Corona epidemic.

Gahlaut Shibir is confident of proving its majority with the support of two MLAs from the Indian Tribal Party. Despite the political turmoil in the desert over the past week, the main opposition BJP has not yet demanded a vote of confidence. The number of seats in Rajasthan Assembly is 200. Of these, Gahlaut now has at least 102, including six Congress MLAs. Chief Minister Shibir claims that 109 MLAs are supporting the government. On the other hand, there are 65 MLAs in the BJP camp and 18 in the rebel Sachin Pilot camp. However, the Congress is hopeful that some members of the Sachin camp will be brought back into the mainstream before the vote of confidence.

Tendulkar and his fellow legislators were still at the Manesar resort in Haryana. According to sources in the rebel camp, they may return to Jaipur after announcing the schedule of the vote of confidence. Gulabchand Katheria, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly, said on Sunday, "Political instability has been created as a result of infighting within the Congress. The BJP has no role in this. We have not even demanded a vote of confidence. ”Former BJP chief minister Bashundhara Raje is still adamant against a deal with Sachin Shibir, party sources said.

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In the meantime, tensions are running high in the desert despite allegations of Congress MLA Konabechar leaking audio leaks and counter-eavesdropping allegations by the BJP camp. The Union Home Ministry has already sent a notice to the Rajasthan government alleging illegal eavesdropping. State government sources said the chief secretary would respond to the notice. According to two leaked audio tapes, rebel Congress MLA Bhanwarlal Sharma is being offered money to oust the government in Rajasthan. The Congress alleges that one of the proponents is Union Water Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat. The MLA has lodged an FIR against Gajendra, who is in charge of investigating the allegations. Three people, including BJP close associate Sanjay Jain, have been arrested. Congress leader Ajay Maken today demanded the removal of Gajendra from the Union Cabinet. The Rajasthan High Court is hearing a case against Sachin and his successors for dismissing their membership. Congress is hopeful that the verdict in the case will go in favor of Gahlaut.

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