मणिपुर में सेना के उपर आतंकी हमला। 3 जवान शहीद।

3 जवान आतंकी हमले में शहीद । तलाशी अभियान के दौरान मणिपुर में हुआ हमला।

अभी अभी आतंकी हमले में 3 असम राइफल्स के जवान शाहिद हो गए। यह घटना इम्फाल में आतंकी तलाशी अभियान के दौरान हुई। मणिपुर के स्थानीय आतंकवादी समूह पीपुल्स लिबरेशन आर्मी (पीएलए) घटना को अंजाम दिया। इस आतंकी हमले में 6 जवान घायल हो गए हैं, जिन्हें इलाज के लिए इंफाल के पश्चिम जिले के सैन्य अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है।

The 5 Rafale warplanes flew from France to India, further strengthening the Indian Army

France has handed over 5 Rafale warships to India. Flights for takeoff from Paris will arrive in India on Wednesday night. Five more flights will leave today.

Five Rafale fighter jets, which will fly 7400 kilometers, will land at Ambala Airport in Punjab. Deployed first team from Ambala to Ladakh Air Base. Three out of two seats, two in same seats are combined.

Deadly Weapons, Radars, Electronic Warfare Equipment, these jets can target a distance of 300 km from Earth. They have a Combat Range of 750 to 1650 km from Earth to Earth.

सुशांत के पिता ने अभिनेत्री रिया चक्रवर्ती के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज कराई।

Sushant Singh Rajput News

सुशांत के पिता ने अभिनेत्री रिया चक्रवर्ती के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज कराई।

: दिवंगत बॉलीवुड अभिनेता सुशांत सिंह राजपूत की मौत के मामले में एक नया मोड़ सामने आया है। सुशांत के पिता ने अभिनेत्री रिया चक्रवर्ती के खिलाफ एफआईआर दर्ज कराई। पटना के सेंट्रल ज़ोन के पुलिस महानिरीक्षक, संजय सिंह के अनुसार, सुशांत के पिता केके सिंह द्वारा दर्ज कराई गई शिकायत पर एएनआई ने अभिनेता रिया चक्रवर्ती के खिलाफ विभिन्न धाराओं के तहत एक प्राथमिकी दर्ज की है। पटना के राजीव नगर पुलिस स्टेशन में एफआईआर दर्ज की गई। रिया पर मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग के कई मामलों का आरोप लगाया गया था, जिसमें मनी लॉन्ड्रिंग और उसे आत्महत्या के लिए उकसाना शामिल था। पर्यवेक्षकों के अनुसार, सुशांत के मामले की जांच के लिए बिहार के चार सदस्यों की एक टीम मुंबई पहुंची, जो मुंबई पुलिस से मामले से संबंधित सभी आवश्यक दस्तावेज एकत्र करेगी। पटना पुलिस टीम में कैसर आलम, मनोरंजन भारती और एक अन्य निरीक्षक अधिकारियों की जांच कर रहे हैं।

निर्देशक महेश भट्ट से सोमवार को सुशांत सिंह राजपुर मौत मामले में पूछताछ की जा रही है। करण जौहर के धर्मा प्रोडक्शंस के सीईओ अपूर्व मेहता से सुशांत सिंह आत्महत्या मामले में उनके बयान को दर्ज करने के लिए घंटों पूछताछ की गई। इस मामले में, करण जौहर ट्रोल खरोंच से बने हैं। कई लोग सुशांत की मौत के लिए करण जौहर को भी जिम्मेदार ठहराते हैं। कंगना रनौत लगातार करण जौहर पर निशाना साध रही हैं। धर्मा प्रोडक्शंस के सीईओ अपूर्व मेहता को इस संबंध में पूछताछ के लिए बुलाया गया और सुशांत ने फिल्म ड्राइव में धर्मा प्रोडक्शंस में काम किया।

पुलिस की चार सदस्यों की एक टीम मुंबई पहुंची

एसएसपी उपेंद्र कुमार शर्मा ने कहा कि प्राथमिकी रविवार को दर्ज की गई थी। शॉ निशांत इस मामले में शोधकर्ता हैं। एफआईआर दर्ज होने के बाद निशांत सहित चार सदस्यों का एक दल मुंबई के लिए रवाना हो गया। टीम मुंबई पहुंची और वहां की पुलिस के संपर्क में है।

रिया से पूछताछ के लिए पटना पुलिस

पटना पुलिस मंगलवार को मुंबई पहुंची और एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी से संपर्क किया। उन्होंने काफी देर के बाद सुशांत की केस डायरी की एक प्रति भी मांगी। पुलिस के मुताबिक, रिया चक्रवर्ती पर गंभीर आरोप लगाए गए हैं। सूत्रों की मानें तो रिया पर सुशांत को अपने परिवार से दूर रखने का आरोप है। उनके बैंक खाते की देखभाल करने के लिए भी कहा जाता है। रिया पर सुशांत के पैसे गबन करने का भी आरोप है। सुशांत पटना, रिया चक्रवर्ती और दो अन्य लोगों से पुलिस ने पूछताछ की लेकिन कोई शिकायत दर्ज नहीं की गई। पटना की पुलिस सभी मामलों की जांच करेगी। पुलिस ने सुशांत के बैंक खाते से लेकर कारोबारी मामलों तक सभी की जांच शुरू की है।

Sushant Singh Rajpur Death Case में सोमवार को Director Mahesh Bhatt से पूछताछ की

अभिनेता शेखर सुमन भी सुशांत के मामले में सक्रिय हैं। अभिनेता ने अपने ट्विटर हैंडल पर रिया के खिलाफ आरोप भी साझा किए और बिहार के चार पुलिसकर्मियों की एक टीम द्वारा मुंबई जाने के लिए भी बधाई दी। शेखर सुमन ने ट्वीट किया, "अच्छी खबर आ रही है। सुशांत के परिवार द्वारा एफआईआर दर्ज किए जाने के बाद पटना पुलिस मुंबई पहुंची है।" मामले की जांच के लिए एक एसआईटी का गठन किया गया है

Covid-19: Oxford vaccine's for corona final human trial to be held at five locations in India,


Preparations have been completed at five locations in India for the third and final phase of the Covid-1V Vision, developed b y Oxford-AstraZeneca. Information was given by Renu Swaroop, Secretary, Department of Biotechnology. He said it was a necessary step and should be made available in the country first before vaccinating Indians.

Oxford University and RA Strazeneka are the lime of the India Serum Institute (SII) for vaccine production. The results of the previous two-phase trials have already been published.

The Serum Institute is preparing for the third phase of BCG clinical trials to see if the BCG vaccine is effective in boosting the immune system.

According to Renu Swaroop, DBT is part of an effort to facilitate the approval of exchanges or give access to various networks in the country, whether it is financial aid for any Covid-1 vaccine in India. Now that DBT Phase III is setting up clinical trials and work has begun, five sites are ready.

Madhya Pradesh High Court Said 'No student's name should be cut off for non-payment of fees in Corona period'

The Madhya Pradesh High Court on Tuesday filed a public interest litigation alleging arbitrary collection of fees from private schools in the state

The order, issued in July, stated an important point. Under this, all private schools in Madhya Pradesh have been strongly advised not to remove any student's name on the basis of non-payment of school fees during the Corona period.

These guidelines must be strictly adhered to by the 10th date of the trial. Public Interest Petitioner Dinesh Upadhyay, Public Interest Petitioner Dr. PG Najpande raised the issue before a two-judge bench comprising Chief Justice Ajay Kumar Mittal and Justice Vijay Kumar Shukla.

Advocate General Purushendra Kaurava and Deputy Advocate General Swapnil Ganguly presented the reply on behalf of the state government. By which it has been made clear that all private schools in the state have the right to charge only tuition fees, no other fees are prohibited.


precident trump son's twitter account is banned for false rumor

Twitter has banned Donald Trump Jr.'s twitter account

 Active account on Twitter after doctors posted a video falsely accusing him of coronavirus treatment and claiming that people "don't need a mask" to prevent the virus from spreading  a Twitter  spokesman said some features in the account, including Twitter's capabilities, would be limited to 12 hours.
The video, released Monday by right-wing media Breitbart News and aired online on Monday, features a group of doctors making false and dubious allegations about the coronavirus.
The video was removed by Twitter (TWTR), Facebook (FB) and YouTube after it spread.
President Donald Trump retweeted several copies of the video on Twitter, but did not upload a copy of the video to the site. A company spokesman said her son did so, so Twitter only took action on Trump's junior account.
Trump junior spokesmen had previously tweeted that Twitter had suspended the president's son's account. Twitter said in a statement that the account was "not permanently suspended"

"telling Americans they do not need to wear masks to prevent coronavirus while also pitching hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug the president has previously touted himself.".

Trump's national security adviser tests positive for Covid-19,

Trump's national security adviser tests positive for Covid-19,

President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Robert O. Bryan has tested positive for Kovid-1, an official familiar with the matter said.

O'Brien's diagnosis has been found to be a highly placed official in the Trump administration, which has been tested positive. It is unclear how O'Brien finally met Trump. His last public appearance was two weeks ago during a July 10 visit to the US Southern Command in Miami.
An anonymous White House press statement said O'Brien was experiencing "mild symptoms" and was "working in a safe place, keeping himself away from the site." That statement confirmed the results of the test before giving formal information to O'Brien's staff. Several National Security Council employees told CNN that O'Brien takes a positive test and does not report that he receives news from the media.
O'Brien, a top aide of Trump, recently returned from Europe, where he and his deputy met with officials in Britain, France, Germany and Italy.
A senior administration official told CNN that O'Brien has been working from home since last week. An familiar source said that O'Brien was in office last Thursday, when he suddenly left the White House. The White House said in a statement that "there is no danger of approaching the President or Vice President."
White House Chief Financial Advisor Larry Kudlow told reporters that one of O'Brien's daughters had also signed a Kovid-1 contract and was confident she would meet.
The head of the National Security Council, Secret Service agents, staff and many journalists traveled to Europe. Several photographs released from the trip show O'Brien practicing without wearing masks or without social distance.
A foreign official told CNN that French President Eliasson was shaken by the news of ON Brian's positive test results. O'Brien met with Emmanuel Bonn, the top foreign policy adviser to French President Emmanuel Macron, on 14 July. Bon informed the French President several times a day.
A few days later Macron and Bon traveled to Brussels for talks at the European Council.
On Thursday, O'Brien returned to Washington, canceling a surprise meeting with another European official, saying "for personal reasons."
While the epidemic is spreading, the president has defended not wearing masks or social distance, with many of his top officials and White House staffers saying it is not necessary because they are tested daily. O'Brien's positive test underscores the West Wing and the president's unique challenge of keeping the virus out of the immediate orbit.
Last week, administration officials were warned that cafeteria staff tested positive for White House reasons. The president's son and one of the top campaign fundraisers, Kimberly Gilofil, tested positive before traveling to the mountain. Rushmore earlier this month. In June, several intelligence agents and campaign personnel tested positive for the president's Tulsa front in connection with the outbreak. Katie Miller, vice president of communications for Vice President Mike Pence, tested positive for coronavirus in May and the president's personal wallet tested positive earlier that week.
Trump's fourth national security adviser, O'Brien Coronavirus, has been widely reported for an epidemic in the country. Earlier, CNN reported that instead of helping lead the administration's response, it had tasked with postponing meetings of top aides as well as the Coronavirus task force.
In September 2012, former lawyer and hostage negotiator O'Brien was fired by Trump in September 2012 due to differences over foreign policy issues to John Bolton.

America is going to launch over thirty thousand people new CORONA VACCINE

America is going  to launch over 30000 people new CORONA VACCINE

The whole world is waiting for the corona vaccine. The sector is gearing up for a hopeful event in America in this order. The vaccine, developed by the American National Institutes of Health with collaboration of Moderna, will be tested on 30,000 volunteers today. Moderna said it had prepared the necessary doses for this. Moderna began testing the vaccine in March. Initially launched on 45 volunteers. Information that came with positive results. Experts say that with the large-scale testing currently underway, it is possible that the true potential of the vaccine will be revealed.

In this context, the US government has doubled its investment in the company. The government has announced $ 483 million in the past. The modern biotechnology company said in a statement on Sunday. Modern is conducting Phase III clinical trials on about 30,000 patients. Officials say about 150,000 Americans have volunteered to register for the vaccine. Officials said about 30,000 of these were selected from different regions. Also, some of them will be given the original vaccine and some will be given a dummy version. Officials said that later, the two would closely monitor changes in their daily routines and their health.

Modirna has already vaccinated seven test sites across the country. It was first reported that Zaria was vaccinated in Sawan. Vaccine testing, which will be developed in Brazil earlier this month, began earlier this month with vaccines developed by Oxford University in China and the UK. However it is in very small numbers

Andhra Chief Minister Jagan press conference

Andhra Chief Minister Jagan addressed  about FRBM's guidelines

Chief Minister Y.S. Jagan, Tadpalli - Review of FRBM Guidelines at Sakshi
Witness, Amravati: Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy reviewed the Centre's guidelines for raising the FRBM limit. As part of the structural reforms, One Nation-One Ration Card, Ease of Doing Business, Municipalities-Corporations, Self-Reliance of Electricity. Four areas. The meeting was held at the Chief Minister's Camp Office at Thadepalli and was attended by CS Neelam Sahani and senior officials from the Finance, Power, Civil Supplies, Labor and Industries Departments.

1. In this meeting he discussed the steps to be taken in this regard against the backdrop of the Centre's decision to introduce One Nation-One Ration Card system to ensure proper rations anywhere in the country. The officials informed the Chief Minister that the state already has portability facility and biometric system is being adopted for transparency in ration distribution. The state is at the forefront of this policy. The process of Aadhaar seeds with rice cards and their beneficiaries is almost complete. About 1.39 lakh were identified as eligible in the applications taken by the novices. It was clarified that crores of people have rice cards. (We will create opportunities before the Kovid crisis)

The government said it had previously outlined the reforms planned by the Center for Ease of Doing Business. We are following the window ethics away from red tape and are more on the heart side. He said the government is in favor of renewing the industrialists.

Chief Minister. Supervision is important to the safety of important industries and it is also very important to look at it, because its supervision does not inconvenience any of the people. Orders are issued on a regular basis with the help of pollution and safety in industries. We regulate gas crashing in Visakhapatnam. It became clear that conservation or safety in industries must be achieved or that problems or suggestions received must be answered. The CM directed the Andhra Pradesh Control Board to be firm with pollution control. (Marketing Hub's RBK.)

Meeting. The meeting also discussed the reforms proposed by the central government and the states for labor reform. The worrying atmosphere is that you need to move forward to improve that in the lanes on the tapery of the industrial area and in the more eye-catching center. The CM made it clear that these sentiments do not disturb the heart of labor. We see less money in your work.

Meeting. The meetings discussed the central government's call for reforms for self-reliance of municipalities and corporations. Speaking of this opportunity, the audience explained that the service is provided in urban conditions. People who provide quality services like clean drinking water, sanitation, etc., when the service of the people, quality services are not received, it is not appropriate to demand a fee. There must be a definite one in the guidelines. What services are appropriate? Or not? This is a technique that needs to be monitored. Journalists have been instructed to take clear action on this border. (AP Government's key instructions on corona exams)

Electricity. Part of the power sector reform, the meeting discussed the Centre’s advice to reduce power supply and technical losses, as well as narrow the gap between ACS and ARR. The meeting took steps in the power sector after this government. Compared to other states, the power supply in the state is very low, the states explain. The CM tried to get the arrears paid by the last government just in time, he said, adding that the 10,000 MW solar power project is a long-term strategy to supply power to the government at least 9 hours a day as power generation.

He said the government would take power at low cost and time would fall. He said, "We supply electricity hourly every day, while the statewide fee is 2 per cent power upgrade. The tax was completed before the work was done more than 2 per cent. We will move forward in terms of power improvement," he said. The CM directed the district center to review the impending reform guidelines and take further action.

first vaccine of China , in the world which has started the third and last phase trial.

Vaccine for COVID-19 update

There is very hopeful news for people waiting for vaccine to rust with the Corona virus. The third phase trial of China's corona virus vaccine has begun. Under this, more than 15,000 people are being vaccinated in the UAE Abu Dhabi city. This is the first such vaccine in the world, the third phase of the trial has started. This vaccine is manufactured by Chinese company Sinopharm CNBG.

Registered by the World Health Organization, the clinical trial of this vaccine was started by Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed Al Hamad of the UAE. It is being told that there are people from around 200 countries in the UAE, so vaccine trials have been allowed here. UAE officials said that 15 volunteers are participating in the trial. Ambassadors of China were also present during this period.
Cyanopharm president Yang Xiaoming said that this inactivated corona virus vaccine is effective on all kinds of strains of the epidemic. It also has very few side effects compared to other vaccines. He said that this vaccine is also effective on the virus found in the recent Xinfadi market in China. Let us know that no corona virus vaccine has been approved yet. According to WHO, 23 vaccines are undergoing trials on humans. Three of these vaccines have reached the third stage of their trial. So far 5,84,355 people have been killed by this epidemic. It has spread to 196 countries of our world.

Dil se bura lagta hai fame youtuber Devraj dead in an accident.

 Youtuber Devraj Patel is no more among us. This sad news is comes from many social media platforms. After an accident with a truck he was b...