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Showing posts with label International. Show all posts

Trump's national security adviser tests positive for Covid-19,

Trump's national security adviser tests positive for Covid-19,

President Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Robert O. Bryan has tested positive for Kovid-1, an official familiar with the matter said.

O'Brien's diagnosis has been found to be a highly placed official in the Trump administration, which has been tested positive. It is unclear how O'Brien finally met Trump. His last public appearance was two weeks ago during a July 10 visit to the US Southern Command in Miami.
An anonymous White House press statement said O'Brien was experiencing "mild symptoms" and was "working in a safe place, keeping himself away from the site." That statement confirmed the results of the test before giving formal information to O'Brien's staff. Several National Security Council employees told CNN that O'Brien takes a positive test and does not report that he receives news from the media.
O'Brien, a top aide of Trump, recently returned from Europe, where he and his deputy met with officials in Britain, France, Germany and Italy.
A senior administration official told CNN that O'Brien has been working from home since last week. An familiar source said that O'Brien was in office last Thursday, when he suddenly left the White House. The White House said in a statement that "there is no danger of approaching the President or Vice President."
White House Chief Financial Advisor Larry Kudlow told reporters that one of O'Brien's daughters had also signed a Kovid-1 contract and was confident she would meet.
The head of the National Security Council, Secret Service agents, staff and many journalists traveled to Europe. Several photographs released from the trip show O'Brien practicing without wearing masks or without social distance.
A foreign official told CNN that French President Eliasson was shaken by the news of ON Brian's positive test results. O'Brien met with Emmanuel Bonn, the top foreign policy adviser to French President Emmanuel Macron, on 14 July. Bon informed the French President several times a day.
A few days later Macron and Bon traveled to Brussels for talks at the European Council.
On Thursday, O'Brien returned to Washington, canceling a surprise meeting with another European official, saying "for personal reasons."
While the epidemic is spreading, the president has defended not wearing masks or social distance, with many of his top officials and White House staffers saying it is not necessary because they are tested daily. O'Brien's positive test underscores the West Wing and the president's unique challenge of keeping the virus out of the immediate orbit.
Last week, administration officials were warned that cafeteria staff tested positive for White House reasons. The president's son and one of the top campaign fundraisers, Kimberly Gilofil, tested positive before traveling to the mountain. Rushmore earlier this month. In June, several intelligence agents and campaign personnel tested positive for the president's Tulsa front in connection with the outbreak. Katie Miller, vice president of communications for Vice President Mike Pence, tested positive for coronavirus in May and the president's personal wallet tested positive earlier that week.
Trump's fourth national security adviser, O'Brien Coronavirus, has been widely reported for an epidemic in the country. Earlier, CNN reported that instead of helping lead the administration's response, it had tasked with postponing meetings of top aides as well as the Coronavirus task force.
In September 2012, former lawyer and hostage negotiator O'Brien was fired by Trump in September 2012 due to differences over foreign policy issues to John Bolton.

गलत खबर फैला कर ईरान-भारत के परियोजना को रदद् बताने की साज़िश

ईरान प्रतिनिधि ने कहा- भारत चाबहार परियोजना का हिस्सा है और हमेशा रहेगा, बताया नजदीकी मित्र।

ईरान (Iran) ने  बहुत ही स्पष्ट रूप से कहा है कि भारत (India) सबसे करीबी और अच्छे दोस्तो में से एक है और वह हमेशा चाबहार रेल परियोजना ((Chabahar Rail Project) का हिस्सा रहेगा. ईरान ने कहा है कि एक भारतीय अखबार ने चाबहार डील की शर्तों को वगैर अच्छी तरह पढ़ें एक गलत खबर प्रकाशित की, जिससे पूरी तरह से दुविधा उत्तपन्न  हुई है. चाबहार परियोजना में भारत की हिस्सेदारी वैसी ही है जैसे कि पहले थी। 

ईरान के पोर्ट एंड मैरीटाइम ऑर्गनाइजेशन के फरहाद मोंताज़िर ने कहा कि यह दावा पूरी तरह से झूठ है। उन्होंने कहा, ईरान ने चाबहार में निवेश के लिए भारत के साथ केवल दो समझौतों पर हस्ताक्षर किए हैं। एक बंदरगाह की मशीनरी और उपकरणों के लिए है और दूसरा भारत के 150 मिलियन डॉलर के निवेश के बारे में है। कुल मिलाकर, उन्होंने स्पष्ट किया है कि चाबहार में ईरान-भारत के सहयोग पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है। बता दें कि कुछ दिनों पहले ऐसी खबरें आई थीं कि ईरान ने चाबहार रेल परियोजना से भारत को बाहर कर दिया है। यह माना जाता था कि यह ईरान और चीन के बीच $ 400 बिलियन के सौदे का प्रभाव है। भारत के कुछ न्यूज agency ने गलत खबर को भी ऐसे पेश किया है कि सबको ऐसा लग ये डील रदद् लग रही थी।
इन गलत खबरों को दिखाने वालें चैनलों में @theprint, @ lallantop @outlookindia @ndtv जैसे बड़े न्यूज़ एजेंसी थे, आखिर ये दुविधा किसने उत्तपन्न की और वायरल किया ये जांच का विषय है। परंतु जब ऐसी खबर आयी तो भारत  सरकार ने भी इसका खंडन क्यो नही किया ये सोचने वाली बात हैं।
Conspiracy to cancel Iran-India project by spreading false news.

Iran representative said - India is and always will be part of the Chabahar project, told a close friend.

Iran has stated very clearly that India is one of the closest and best friends and will always be a part of the Chabahar Rail Project. Iran has said that an Indian newspaper Read the terms of the Chabahar Deal without a good read, publishing a false news that has led to a complete dilemma. India's participation in the Chabahar project is the same as it was before.

Farhad Montazir of the Port and Maritime Organization of Iran said that this claim is completely untrue. He said, Iran has signed only two agreements with India for investment in Chabahar. One is for port machinery and equipment and the other is about India's $ 150 million investment. Overall, he has clarified that there is no restriction on #Iran-India cooperation in Chabahar. Please tell that a few days ago there were reports that Iran has excluded India from the #Chabahar rail project. It was believed to be the effect of a $ 400 billion deal between Iran and China. Some news agency of India has also presented the wrong news in such a way that this deal was canceled.
The channels that showed these misinformation were big news agencies like @theprint, @ lallantop @outlookindia @ndtv, after all who raised this dilemma and made it viral is the subject of investigation. But when such news came, the Indian government also did not deny it, it is a matter of thinking.
Conspiracy to cancel Iran-India project by spreading false news.

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